Our work

World Vision delivers innovative, scalable, impactful results to transform environments for the world’s most vulnerable populations

2022 Highlights


program participants served by U.S. funded projects


people empowered with access to clean water


disasters responded to in 52 countries

Our work

World Vision delivers innovative, scalable, impactful results to transform environments for the world’s most vulnerable populations

2022 Highlights

programs participants served by U.S. funded projects

people empowered with access to clean water

disasters responded to in 52 countries

Our partners

Featured studies

World Vision is a learning organization – we partner with independent institutions to analyze our work and methodology, then adapt to what we learn.

Where we work

World Vision works in nearly 100 countries, including 40 of the 60 countries classified by OECD as “fragile” and in 12 of the 15 classified as “extremely fragile.”

Our Work

We have over 70 years of experience working with communities, donors, partners, and governments in some of the world’s toughest places. This means being on the ground when disaster strikes as well as supporting long-term solutions that build resilience and pathways out of poverty at individual, household, community, and societal levels.

We tackle poverty at its roots. Our integrated, multi-sectoral approach aims to transform the way the world works for children and create a lasting impact that will live on for generations to come.

Child Protection

Working to see all children cared for, protected, and participating in their communities by strengthening child-protection policies and practices and promoting an environment free from violence.

923 thousand

people impacted in FY22

Disaster Relief

Leveraging our presence in nearly 100 countries to respond quickly with life-saving humanitarian assistance, support long-term recovery, and prepare for disasters in the world’s most challenging environments.

10.7 million

people impacted in FY22


Addressing barriers to education and partnering with families, communities, and local governments to improve the quality of education for all children.

1 million

people impacted in FY22

Faith and Development

Improving outcomes for children through our faith-based models and approaches, and local and national faith partnerships.

9.3 million

people impacted in FY22

Food Security and Livelihoods

Fostering resilience and catalyzing local food systems change, with clear benefits for the most vulnerable.

5.2 million

people impacted in FY22

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Addressing inequality and exclusion by working with entire communities — women, girls, men, and boys — to transform discriminatory practices together.

34.8 million

people impacted in FY20-22


Promoting newborn, child and maternal health through the adoption of evidence-based health and nutrition practices and preventing major causes of disease through partnerships with communities and government health systems.

32.5 million

people impacted in FY22

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

Ensuring clean water, sanitation, and hygiene for everyone, everywhere we work, including the most vulnerable populations in the hardest-to-reach places.

3.1 million

people impacted in FY22

four women in the field at different life stage

Transformational Development

Poverty is complex and multi-faceted, measured not only by income but also by education opportunities, healthcare access, and other standards of living. Such multidimensional poverty affects 1.3 billion people around the world, hindering them from reaching their full potential.
Our ultimate goal is to see transformed environments, where all children everywhere have the chance to enjoy fuller lives.

Approach to Change

Our integrated approach to development focuses on working alongside communities and with local, national, and global partners toward a shared vision of a world where children are thriving within transformed families, communities, and societies and experiencing dignity, justice, peace, and hope. We implement holistic, evidence-based solutions that address the root causes of poverty and injustice, adapting them to fit local contexts.

Through a process of continual evaluation, reflection, and refinement, we help ensure the greatest possible impact for children.

To promote sustainable change, we ensure that people and communities are active participants in decisions affecting their lives, are empowered to set their own goals and advocate for their needs, and are equipped to continue progress long after our programs have ended.

Our Work

We have over 70 years of experience working with communities, donors, partners, and governments in some of the world’s toughest places. This means being on the ground when disaster strikes as well as supporting long-term solutions that build resilience and pathways out of poverty at individual, household, community, and societal levels.

We tackle poverty at its roots. Our integrated, multi-sectoral approach aims to transform the way the world works for children and create a lasting impact that will live on for generations to come.

Child Protection

Working to see all children cared for, protected, and participating in their communities by strengthening child-protection policies and practices and promoting an environment free from violence.

923 thousand

people impacted in FY22

Disaster Relief

Leveraging our presence in nearly 100 countries to respond quickly with life-saving humanitarian assistance, support long-term recovery, and prepare for disasters in the world’s most challenging environments.

10.7 million

people impacted in FY22


Addressing barriers to education and partnering with families, communities, and local governments to improve the quality of education for all children.

1 million

people impacted in FY22

Faith and Development

Improving outcomes for children through our faith-based models and approaches, and local and national faith partnerships.

9.3 million

people impacted in FY22

Food Security and Livelihoods

Fostering resilience and catalyzing local food systems change, with clear benefits for the most vulnerable.

5.2 million

people impacted in FY22

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Addressing inequality and exclusion by working with entire communities — women, girls, men, and boys — to transform discriminatory practices together.

34.8 million

people impacted in FY20-22


Promoting newborn, child and maternal health through the adoption of evidence-based health and nutrition practices and preventing major causes of disease through partnerships with communities and government health systems.

32.5 million

people impacted in FY22

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

Ensuring clean water, sanitation, and hygiene for everyone, everywhere we work, including the most vulnerable populations in the hardest-to-reach places.

3.1 million

people impacted in FY22

Featured Projects