Making donor funding more accessible to local partners

For more than ten years, the All Children Reading Grand Challenge for Development, a partnership involving USAID, World Vision, and the Australian Government, led efforts to advance educational technology (EdTech) innovation and research to enhance reading outcomes for marginalized children in low-resource contexts.

However, despite the flexibility of the Grand Challenges funding mechanisms, many barriers still prevented local organizations from accessing funding opportunities. These included language barriers, complex submission requirements, and limited understanding of U.S. government regulations, all of which deterred local innovators from competing in innovation-focused prize calls.

To address these challenges, All Children Reading’s Challenge Management Group at World Vision reflected on USAID’s Localization Vision and Approach to identify opportunities to better engage local organizations of persons with disabilities, strengthen their capacity, and elevate their technical expertise to drive a wider perception shift around the role of local organizations as key partners.

Read more about these efforts in the attached blog.

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