Kingdom Care for Pastors
2 Episodes
Powered by World Vision
Is your tank low? Are you feeling burnt out? Are you questioning your call to ministry? You are not alone.
In this 2-video series, you’ll hear from seasoned pastors on how they care for their communities and families by first remembering to tend to their own souls. All to continue with perseverance the race marked out for them.
Pastor Stephen Chandler, pastor of Union Church
Pastor Jimmy Rollins, pastor of i5 City Church
Pastor Jimmy Rollins and Pastor Stephen Chandler

Pastor Jimmy Rollins – pastor of i5 City Church
Jimmy Rollins is the Lead Pastor of i5 City, a church located outside of Baltimore, MD. A revelatory preacher, visionary leader, and generous pastor, Jimmy’s entire ministry is fueled by the command of Jesus to serve the least of these. He and his wife of 20 plus years, Irene, founded i5 City on that very mission, and together they built what is now known as the outreach powered by the local church.
Pastor Stephen Chandler – pastor of Union Church
Pastor Stephen is the bold, encouraging, life-giving speaker and leader of Union Church. Union Church is a community of thousands of people and is known for its exciting culture and focus on leading entire families to a passionate relationship with God. Pastor Stephen has a passion to see people discover their God-given purpose, and has given his life to help others find fulfillment.