The Covenant and World Vision share a deep commitment to the people of Congo.
The Evangelical Covenant Church has been partnering with our friends in the northwest DR Congo since 1937. The local Covenant Church of Congo (CEUM) has grown to more than 2,500 congregations, 5 hospitals, 90 medical clinics, a school system serving 60,000 students, and microenterprise projects. World Vision has been in other areas of DR Congo for 40 years. Joining together in northwest DR Congo, this unprecedented partnership is a journey of transformation, building from the work of the CEUM and World Vision's proven community development model for long-term solutions.

"I never knew sponsoring a child could do so much. I saw with my own eyes how Covenant Kids Congo helps that child, that child's family, and that family's neighborhood."
- Al Tizon
Executive Minister of Serve Globally, The Evangelical Covenant Church
The Covenant and World Vision share a deep commitment to the people of Congo.
The Evangelical Covenant Church has been partnering with our friends in the northwest DR Congo since 1937. The local Covenant Church of Congo (CEUM) has grown to more than 2,500 congregations, 5 hospitals, 90 medical clinics, a school system serving 60,000 students, and microenterprise projects. World Vision has been in other areas of DR Congo for 40 years. Joining together in northwest DR Congo, this unprecedented partnership is a journey of transformation, building from the work of the CEUM and World Vision's proven community development model for long-term solutions.

"I never knew sponsoring a child could do so much. I saw with my own eyes how Covenant Kids Congo helps that child, that child's family, and that family's neighborhood."
- Al Tizon
Executive Minister of Serve Globally, The Evangelical Covenant Church
The Covenant and World Vision share a deep commitment to the people of Congo.
The Evangelical Covenant Church has been partnering with our friends in the northwest DR Congo since 1937. The local Covenant Church of Congo (CEUM) has grown to more than 2,500 congregations, 5 hospitals, 90 medical clinics, a school system serving 60,000 students, and microenterprise projects. World Vision has been in other areas of DR Congo for 40 years. Joining together in northwest DR Congo, this unprecedented partnership is a journey of transformation, building from the work of the CEUM and World Vision's proven community development model for long-term solutions.

"I never knew sponsoring a child could do so much. I saw with my own eyes how Covenant Kids Congo helps that child, that child's family, and that family's neighborhood."
- Al Tizon
Executive Minister of Serve Globally, The Evangelical Covenant Church
Learn About Sponsorship
What does my $39 a month do?
We pool monthly sponsorship donations for maximum impact in your sponsored child’s community in northwest DR Congo. Your generosity will support long-term development through clean water, healthcare, education, agriculture and nutrition, economic development, and child protection, so that your sponsored child and other children can grow up with a brighter future.
What your sponsored child gets
Sponsored children thrive as their community transforms
DR Congo has endured devastating war and extreme poverty. But because of the locally led changes happening in their community, sponsored children can grow up healthy and strong, gaining access to clean water, improved nutrition, a valuable education, and a safer environment.
Sponsored children get encouragement
Your sponsored child can experience your love and encouragement through letters and photos, and gifts! You can also send your sponsored child email and get updates through your My World Vision account. Meanwhile, your monthly sponsorship provides resources and improvements that benefit the whole community in Gemena, DR Congo.
Sponsored children experience God’s love
Our faith in Jesus motivates us to serve all children regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or gender. Sponsored children will be visited periodically by local World Vision staff, and you’ll receive an annual progress report with updates on their health and education.
How do I sponsor a child?
First, choose a child to sponsor. Then in approximately 10 days, you’ll receive your sponsorship Welcome Kit in the mail. Your kit includes a photo, more information about your sponsored child, and a postcard that you can send to him or her.
You can send an email to your child right away by creating a My World Vision account. The email will be printed off in Congo and delivered to your child.
In the next six months, watch the mail for your first letter from your sponsored child. Please know that your sponsored child lives in a very remote area of DR Congo that cannot be reached by road, so this factor may delay letters. It may take up to six months to receive a letter back from your sponsored child (twice the time as for other World Vision sponsorships). Once a year, you’ll receive an annual progress report about your sponsored child. You’ll also receive monthly community updates via email.
How does child sponsorship work?
By sponsoring a child, you’re coming alongside your sponsored child and their community. The monthly donations that you give are pooled for the development of the whole community, extending to each child’s family and other children in need.
That’s because the Evangelical Covenant Church and World Vision plan and work alongside local leaders, including the Covenant Church of Congo (CEUM), to help build healthy communities for children in the Ledia Area Development Program. The ECC, World Vision, and the CEUM partner with your sponsored child’s community over the long term to address critical needs, as we strive together toward a brighter future.
Will I get to know my sponsored child?
You’ll have the chance to build a one-to-one relationship with your sponsored child that could change both your lives through letters, photos, birthday cards, and more. “When I got a letter for the first time, I received it with joy,” said Benedicte, a 12-year-old girl in Gemena, DR Congo. “I wrote to my sponsor to say that I like to play with my friends, and I love him very much. I want to tell my sponsor thank you.” Learn more about communicating with your sponsored child here.
Will Covenant Kids Congo work like other World Vision sponsorships?
Yes! Through Covenant Kids Congo, you can sponsor a child who lives in Gemena, DR Congo in the Ledia Area Development Program. As a sponsor, you can write and receive letters from your sponsored child. You’ll also be able to send gifts to your child, both material and monetary, as specified on the World Vision website. Monthly donations will be made in the name of the child and will contribute toward critical community development. Children, their families, and the greater community will benefit from clean water, education, healthcare, agriculture, economic development, and advocacy.
When you sponsor a child, you’ll be able to set up a My World Vision account, which allows you easy online access to information about your child. There you can email your child and send special monetary gifts for their birthday and Christmas. You’ll also receive an annual progress report in the mail and community updates via email. Please note that it may take twice as long (up to six months) to receive a letter back from your CKC sponsored child, due to the very remote area in which they live.
World Vision and the Evangelical Covenant Church are partnering together in your sponsored child’s community, and we are committed to donor privacy. As part of the joint nature of this work, your sponsorship information will be shared between these two parties. We will not rent, sell, or exchange your information with any organization outside of this partnership.
Are there more ways I can help?
If you are passionate about Covenant Kids Congo and want to do more, check out the Covenant Kids Congo website for more ideas for how to get further engaged! You can also give us a call at (773) 442-6578 or email [email protected] it you have questions or want to learn more.