
Pray for World Vision’s ministry

We covet your prayers for those in need, for World Vision’s work, and our staff as we walk alongside millions who are on their journey from poverty to life in all its fullness.

On Oct. 1, the first day of World Vision’s fiscal year, all World Vision staff members around the world are privileged to spend the day in prayer. We seek God’s best for our ministry, for those who make our work possible with their gifts, and for those we serve. We also ask God to guide us in the coming year so that our own lives will reflect the love of Christ to people in need.

We move into the new year, ready to follow God’s plan for the work He will accomplish through World Vision. We know nothing will happen through our own strength. We humbly ask you to join us in praying for the entire World Vision family and all that will be achieved through God’s power in the coming year.

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too. …—Colossians 4:2-3 (NIV)

Pray that God will be glorified through our work.

In all we do, World Vision staff seeks to point the way to Christ — not just through our words, but also through our deeds and how we live our lives. Ask God to empower staff members to reflect His love for each person as we make our hope in Him apparent to those we serve.

Dear Lord, You have prepared this good work for us to do. As we move into a new year, please help us to follow the words of 1 Peter 4:11: “… If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. …” (NIV).

Pray for those who support World Vision.

World Vision’s transformational work could not be accomplished without the faithful support of generous individuals. Many who support World Vision give sacrificially, which humbles us beyond words. Ask God to bless everyone who partners in World Vision’s work.

Dear Lord, thank You for the people who share their resources with World Vision. Show them what amazing things their gifts are doing in the lives of children in need around the world. Remember their gifts of kindness, and bless them as they bless the poor.

Pray for the children and families we will serve in the coming year.

Around the world, millions of children live in grinding poverty, confronted by a day-to-day existence filled with deprivation, hunger, and fear. For these children, World Vision sponsorship opens the door to a life transformed through basics like education, clean water, improved nutrition, medical care, Christian witness, and so much more. Ask God to help children and their family members embrace and use the gifts offered to them.

Dear Lord, You know every precious child and family World Vision will touch in 2018. Let them feel Your presence in the midst of our work. Guide their hearts and minds as they learn to walk into the fullness of life You have prepared for them.

Pray for the safety of World Vision staff.

World Vision staff members and ministry partners work in nearly 100 countries, including places where Christians are not in the majority. We are poised to immediately respond to natural disasters; we work in camps near violence and conflict; and we serve in some politically unstable environments. All of these situations and others can be dangerous. Ask God to surround our staff with His care and to help them trust Him in all circumstances.

Dear Lord, We know we live in a fallen, dangerous world. We also know that wherever You send us, Your presence is already there. Be a place of refuge and safety for those who are serving in Your name in challenging situations.

Pray for humanitarian workers in difficult places around the world.

The world is becoming more hostile to humanitarian workers. During 2016, 88 humanitarian aid workers were killed during 150 attacks in 20 countries. Through March 2017, 35 aid workers were killed in 22 attacks. Pray for improved security and steadfast commitment to serving children and families in unstable circumstances.

Heavenly Father, those whom You have called to help know it at the core of their being. In spite of great risk in many places, help them remain steadfastly committed to the work You have set before them and protect them as they work. 

Pray for the families of World Vision staff who have been killed or injured.

In spite of the dangers, staff members heed God’s call to serve the poor in difficult circumstances. Their family members support that commitment and today are grieving loss and injury. Pray for God’s comfort and healing to fill the hearts of mourning family members.

Lord, we trust You to heal those recovering from attacks on aid workers and help them return to the work You called them to do. Reveal Yourself to family members in their moments of deepest sorrow. Comfort them in their distress.

Pray that God will multiply our efforts.

While World Vision serves millions around the world each day, more are desperate for the essentials God provides through organizations like World Vision. We are committed to serving until all people have the basics they need to reach their God-given potential. Ask God to provide opportunities for us to reach more children, families, and communities in need around the world.

Dear Lord, You tell us in Scripture not to get tired of doing the good works You have prepared for us (Ephesians 2:10). World Vision is ready to do more as resources allow and to stretch them as far as possible. In this new year, show World Vision’s leaders where you want them to go and what You would have them do.


Contributor: Chris Huber, World Vision staff

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