Global hunger update
Two years into our response to the global hunger crisis, see what God has done and what He is continuing to do.
Thank you, faithful supporters, for helping make a huge impact
That’s the number of people we’ve reached together since declaring our global emergency response in May 2022, addressing the deteriorating hunger and malnutrition crisis happening across the world.
Addressing the challenges through 5 key objectives
Objective 1: Improve access to food
School meal program transforms students’ lives in Kenya
Moses, 8, smiles as he enjoys a meal at school with friends. Children living in Kilifi County, Kenya, often do not have enough food to eat, and many go for long hours, some of them days, without food. However, now they can stay awake and actively participate in lessons due to a school meals program established by World Vision, with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in 11 elementary schools across the county.
In addition to nutritious meals for students, the program also ensures the schools are provided with clean water daily as there are also water shortages in the area due to the extended drought. Children can now concentrate in class, unlike before, when most of them would doze off because they were too hungry to stay awake. The school attendance has also improved and reached 100%. Moses is now actively participating during class lessons. He is eager to learn and is full of energy as he plays with his friends.
Objective 2: Increase access to quality emergency health and nutrition services
Aiding a toddler in Afghanistan through nutrition and milk support
Two-year-old Besmillah receives nutrition packages and medicine provided by World Vision’s Mobile Health and Nutrition Teams in Afghanistan’s Badghis province. His stepmother, Reza, 30, said she did not have enough milk to breastfeed him, and his father was not able to make enough money to afford going into the city for treatment.
His doctors say that the food is helping Besmillah grow strong with more energy. Besmillah is one of 9,380 people who have received health and nutrition services so far through this project.
Your voice can help us continue this work
Urge your members of Congress to prioritize global hunger response by reauthorizing the Farm Bill
U.S. foreign assistance is a key factor in our programs to support communities and countries in building self-reliance. It complements existing development programs and increases our overall impact — helping put our collective goals of eliminating extreme poverty and ensuring child well-being within reach.
Objective 3: Improve access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene solutions
A community in Sierra Leone gains access to clean water
Twenty miles east of Freetown, Sierra Leone, World Vision installed a solar-powered borehole water system for local children and community members who have been without access to clean water. Over 3,500 people will benefit from the system, which provides water from 5,200-gallon tanks through 12 tap stands with two faucets each.
“This project has brought collaboration among us; we are now able to sit as a team to strategize ways of maintaining the project. It is ours, so we are going to protect it wholeheartedly.” — Ramatu Conteh, community water system chair
Objective 4: Ensure protection for children, women, and vulnerable groups
300 internally displaced children in Burkina Faso benefit from mental health and psychosocial support activities
In Kaya, Burkina Faso, about 300 internally displaced children benefit from mental health activities and psychosocial support in a safe, child-friendly space as part of a World Vision child protection project. Here, three times per week, children aged 3 to 17 come to draw, paint, sing, dance, play, and reconnect with a sense of childhood. According to Toussaint Michel Korogo, a protection officer for World Vision working at the site, the activities are very important as they provide a safe environment for the children, helping them to heal from trauma and strengthening their resilience.
“During these moments, I forget all the difficult times we’ve had in the past. I even forget the current [issues I am facing] when I am with the other children.” — Salamata, 16, Kaya
Objective 5: Enhance household resilience to food insecurity
300 families in north Haiti are provided food packages to boost their businesses and meet their basic needs
In Haiti, where nearly half the population is gripped by a hunger crisis, World Vision has delivered packages of rice, peas, sugar, milk, oil, and pasta to families who run small businesses — most owned by women. This support is designed to boost their businesses and help ensure income to cover children’s school and health expenses.
Need more reasons to use your voice?
We’ve seen advocacy work
In 2017, volunteer World Vision Advocates helped raise awareness of the hunger crisis in East Africa and other disasters around the world, and Congress listened. In the budget for fiscal year 2017, Congress chose to better assist people severely impacted by famine or disaster with supplemental funding totaling almost $1 billion.
Use your voice
Make a larger impact on the global hunger crisis.