
Pray for World Vision’s urban work

With the global trend of urbanization, World Vision is increasing its focus on urban work. Learn more about and pray for World Vision's urban work.

As the economies of developing countries grow, the global trend of urbanization grows with them. As a result of urban migration, approximately 860 million people live in slums, according to the U.N.

Since its beginning in 1950, World Vision has been dedicated to reaching the most vulnerable children. Today, that means increased focus on urban work, as almost half of all children on Earth live in an urban community. In cities, they’re at higher risk for violence and exploitation and often live in unsanitary and crowded conditions.

Building on our decades of expertise, we’re finding new, sustainable ways to meet the challenges urban communities face. That’s why we’ve started pilot programs in cities across the globe to see what works and what doesn’t — and then apply what we’ve learned in other urban areas. Pray for World Vision’s urban work and for the children and families we serve.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

City population: 2.2 million

Percentage of Cambodians in urban areas: 20%

Pray for city authorities to include voices from poor communities in the crafting of policies that affect their neighborhoods, especially around the issue of land rights.

Kanpur, India

City population: 2.7 million

Percentage of Indians in urban areas: 31%

Ask God to protect children vulnerable to child labor, and pray for children who have been freed, as World Vision helps them transition into education and vocational training.

Surabaya, Indonesia

City population: 2.7 million

Percentage of Indonesians in urban areas: 51%

Pray that the city’s government would prioritize policies that benefit children, and that World Vision can successfully navigate the political complexities of urban poverty.

Johannesburg, South Africa (Orlando East settlement)

City population: 2 million

Percentage of South Africans in urban areas: 62%

Ask that God will continue to provide economic empowerment opportunities to families living here, strengthening partnerships and community advocacy.

La Paz, Bolivia

City population: 2.3 million

Percentage of Bolivians in urban areas: 67%

Thank God for youth involvement in city-planning processes and changes to the city’s constitution.

Beirut, Lebanon

City population: 2 million

Percentage of Lebanese in urban areas: 87%

Pray for relationship building between historically divided people groups living alongside each other in communities across the city. Ask God to bring safety and peace to these neighborhoods.

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