In 2004, a massive undersea earthquake off the coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia, triggered colossal tsunamis that inundated coastal areas across the region, catching communities off-guard and causing widespread destruction. One of the most devastating natural disasters in recorded history, the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami impacted multiple countries and claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Read about how World Vision responded and our ongoing efforts in the region.
Why World Vision is in Indonesia
Indonesia endured six disasters in 2022, from earthquakes and floods to volcanic eruptions and the ongoing effects of COVID-19.
Especially tragic was the Cianjur earthquake, which killed more than 300 people, many of whom were children. The earthquake displaced over 61,000 people in Indonesia, causing a multiplication of needs for vulnerable families left without housing and other necessities. Additionally, flooding took a toll on over 2,000 people. World Vision teams made quick work to reach over 3,000 people within a month following the earthquake, providing emergency supplies to those affected, including hygiene kits, tents, and personal protective equipment. We also distributed over 16,000 liters of clean water to people impacted by floods. Infants and children under 5 received much-needed nutrition from a World Vision–initiated kitchen serving vulnerable families. Our teams also supplied educational and mental health resources to children through Child-Friendly Spaces as part of our disaster responses work. Throughout the country, over 456,000 people, including 170,000 children, were impacted in 2022 through World Vision programs in the areas of health, education, child protection, emergency response, and more.We never give up on people
World Vision child sponsorship looks at all the things that prevent children from surviving and thriving in their community, and then works with that community to bring all the pieces of the puzzle together to build a better life for all children. For sponsors, it’s a personal way to show God’s love to a child in need in a life-changing way.
Sponsor a child in Indonesia ❯

Prayer Requests from Indonesia
World Vision's staff in Indonesia are asking us to join them in prayer for the following:
For God to move the hearts of more people toward sponsoring children who are currently unsponsored.
For a decrease in cases of child abuse and child marriage, and for World Vision’s advocacy efforts to help put policies in place that protect children and equip them to thrive.
News from Indonesia
2018 Indonesia quakes and tsunamis: Facts, FAQs, how to help
Discover key facts about the 2018 Indonesia earthquakes and tsunamis, including six events with magnitude 6.0 or higher. Learn more about the devastating impact on millions of people, and how World Vision swiftly responded with lifesaving supplies to help affected communities.
Matthew 25: Prayer for children’s protection
Child labor and exploitation, female genital mutilation (FGM), and human trafficking are among the greatest evils in the world. Pray with us for an end to all harm against children and for World Vision’s work to protect children.
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