
Cause Marketing

Cause Marketing


On International Women’s Day (March 8), World Vision is joining partner Global Water Challenge (GWC) and a diverse group of organizations to bring attention to the importance of water in the lives of women. Water4Her is a movement initiated by GWC’s women for water...
Cause Marketing

Cause Marketing during COVID-19

As the economy struggles to right itself after more than a year of pandemic-related shutdowns, agile companies are using cause marketing to emerge into a “new normal” with exponentially greater brand recognition and brand loyalty than before. While it might be a time of lean revenues, connecting with customers through...
Cause Marketing

Partnership Update | Bradford Soap Works

On April 3rd & 4th, 2019, World Vision Somalia hosted a 2-day workshop – teaching soap making and important hygiene practices in the Community of Doolow , Somalia. Bradford Soap Works generously provided the soap base, a critical supply for the workshop. Thanks to...
Cause Marketing

The Gift of Mobility

Spin’s Commitment to Making a Positive Difference In many countries, young girls and boys have to walk for hours to reach the nearest school. Unfortunately, the children often drop out as parents feel their time would be better spent working and supplementing the family’s...
Cause Marketing

The Global 6K Water Challenge

Join with your employees and change the world! Last year, people gathered around the world to walk or run 6 kilometers in support of the Global 6K Water Challenge. In the end, more than 48,000 people and 29 businesses joined together to provide clean...
Cause Marketing


Pursuing human justice through high-quality, ethical fashion DES PLAINES, IL — What if the simple purchase of a tote or t-shirt could help free a woman from injustice? Katherine and Brad Jeffery believe that ethically produced fashion goes a long way toward empowering women...