In 2024, the lives of millions were upended by war, disasters, and hunger. As World Vision responded, we witnessed courage and resilient hope through encounters with hardship. See incredible images captured by World Vision communicators throughout this year.
News & Stories
In photos: 23 moments to remember
In 2023, the harsh realities of conflict, displacement, natural disaster, and extreme hunger impacted the lives of millions of people worldwide. As World Vision responded, we witnessed moments of both hardship and hope. See the incredible images of resilience, determination, and even joy that World Vision’s communicators were able to capture in this extraordinary year.
In photos: 22 memorable moments from 2022
In 2022, war in Ukraine made refugees of millions, disrupted crop exports, and sent food and fuel prices soaring in many parts of the world. This, combined with the lingering impacts of COVID-19, extreme weather conditions, and ongoing unrest in many countries, left millions of people globally on the verge of famine. Despite such dire circumstances, World Vision photographers witnessed many moments of joy and strength in communities where we work around the world. Here are 22 of our favorites.
Finish strong: 5 simple ways to end the year on a high note
Author and speaker Jon Acuff guest blogs about five simple ways you can finish strong for 2021 … and gives you the tools to end the year on a high note!
Best Christmas gifts for 2021 to help you choose joy
As you plan your holiday shopping this year, here are our top 12 best Christmas gifts for 2021. Hear from 12 of our celebrity and influencer partners about their favorite ways to choose joy!
Christian parents: A convicting challenge for us and our kids
Erin Weidemann, speaker and author of the Bible Belles series, shares how parents can be intentional about raising the new generation of Christian disciples who follow Jesus’ greatest commandment and care about others in the world.
How to create a thriving home wherever you are and worldwide
No matter where you live in the world, there’s always something special about coming home. In this guest post from home and organization blogger Abby Lawson, she shares what she learned about the meaning of “home” while visiting Ecuador and experiencing World Vision’s new invitation to child sponsorship, Chosen.
Anxiety and the coronavirus: How to interrupt the downward spiral
Are you struggling with anxiety during these difficult times? Max Lucado offers five steps to interrupt that downward spiral and offer your anxiety about the coronavirus up to God. Nothing is too big for Him!
New coronavirus outbreak: A personal perspective from China
What is it like to live under lockdown because of the new coronavirus outbreak? A World Vision staff member in China shares his perspective.
Cooking for Bruno: A holiday recipe for the boy who chose me
What holiday traditions does your family have around a meal? Consider adding a recipe that gives back this year! Check out a recipe suggestion that was inspired by a boy in Ecuador who chose his sponsor this fall.