News & Stories


From the Field

Mobile and no longer malnourished

Isma’s health and mobility greatly improved after being supported by World Vision. Through community-based malnutrition programs, he received treatment at home along with tactics and trainings to equip families with healthy techniques. Plus, a provision of a wheelchair has improved Isma’s mobility.

From the Field

Hunger is more than just food

Food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition are driven by more than lack of food alone. Inadequate access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene can intensify hunger. Conflict, extreme weather, and COVID-19 are destroying livelihoods, pushing access to nutritious food out of reach for people in need.

Special Features

Called by God: The Every Last One campaign

In late 2015, World Vision launched Every Last One (ELO) — a $1 billion capital campaign over eight years to make life, hope, and a future possible for 60 million people. Explore the work that has already been done, and help us make an even bigger impact faster.

From the Field

In the kitchen: Indian vegetable pulao recipe

India has one of the highest child malnutrition rates in the world. World Vision’s helping communities there grow vegetable gardens so they have access to nutrient-rich foods. We’re also training mothers how to cook dishes that better nourish their children so fewer kids are at risk of stunting and wasting.