News & Stories

Child Protection

From the Field

Sudan crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Since even before conflict erupted on April 15, 2023, Sudan has faced a severe humanitarian crisis. To date, thousands of lives have been lost and over 12 million people displaced, including more than 5 million children — the largest number of children displaced globally. Ongoing violence is compounding an existing hunger crisis, endangering millions and threatening famine. Explore key crisis facts and how World Vision is responding to support impacted children, their families, and communities.

Papua New Guinea landslide: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Learn about the devastating landslide in Papua New Guinea’s Enga province, which has claimed 670 lives and buried an entire village under tons of debris. With more people feared dead and thousands displaced, authorities are warning of a second landslide and potential disease outbreaks. Discover key facts about the landslide and its causes and effects, and find ways to support survivors in this dire situation.


Matthew 25: Prayer for children’s protection

Child labor and exploitation, female genital mutilation (FGM), and human trafficking are among the greatest evils in the world. Pray with us for an end to all harm against children and for World Vision’s work to protect children.

From the Field

Lesser-known crises and World Vision’s impact

When it comes to disaster response, World Vision stands at the forefront, responding swiftly to crises, both major and lesser-known, that impact vulnerable communities globally. From aiding displaced children in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to supporting millions affected by Amazon droughts and helping families in Sri Lanka’s internal upheaval, our commitment extends beyond the headline-making disasters. With a presence in nearly 100 countries, we respond with life-saving essentials to all types of disasters and equip vulnerable children, families, and communities with long-term solutions.