News & Stories

Rachel Teodoro


The desperation of dirty water

Have you ever been lost in the woods — literally or figuratively? Have you rationed your resources, preparing for the worst? Families who can’t access clean water feel this kind of desperation every day. Blogger Rachel Teodoro has met some of these families. Read one of their stories, and learn a simple way you can give them hope!


The gift of a baby blanket

Are you ready for Giving Tuesday tomorrow? Early donations today will count toward the Thirty-One Gifts match up to $2 million of product! Blogger Rachel Teodoro writes about the impact this partnership made last year to help keep newborns warm. Read her story and give!


Rainbows and water in Zambia

For people like Molly in Zambia, water is life … and a challenge. As blogger Rachel Teodoro walks in Molly’s shoes, learn how God’s “heart breaks for the challenges that these people face” but how he is there and the transformation already underway.


Forever changed by clean water

Blogger Rachel Teodoro traveled with us to Uganda to dedicate a new borehole. Through her eyes, witness the energy and joy the people of this community felt at having clean water, and learn how they will be forever changed.