In northern Ethiopia, children and families in the Tigray, Amhara, and Afar regions face a dire humanitarian crisis, driven by persistent drought, armed conflict, violence, and disease outbreaks. High rates of malnutrition and food insecurity continue to afflict people. Learn what World Vision is doing to help affected children and families.
News & Stories
Refugee Crisis
South Sudan crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Since achieving independence in 2011, South Sudan has faced a multifaceted humanitarian crisis, with children bearing the brunt of its impact. The convergence of conflict, natural disasters, poverty, and extensive displacement has sharply increased food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition within the nation. Learn how World Vision is responding to help communities impacted by the crisis.
Rohingya refugee crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Since 2017, nearly 1 million Rohingya people have fled their homes in Myanmar to escape violence. Now living in refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, they rely on humanitarian aid to survive. Over half of the refugee population are children. Learn more about the ongoing Rohingya crisis and how World Vision is helping.
Never expecting to be called “refugee”
In the early days of the Ukraine crisis, mothers wanted to stay in Ukraine, but as violence escalated, they finally felt forced to flee. They share their stories of the problems and help they found along their journey.
In the kitchen: Moldovan plăcintă recipe
Plăcintă — a pastry stuffed with savory or sweet fillings — offers a tasty comfort-food treat in countries throughout Eastern Europe. In Moldova, whole restaurants are devoted to this delicious popular dish.
What you need to know about the Syrian refugee crisis in photos and videos
The Syrian refugee crisis remains the largest refugee and displacement crisis of our time. Let’s break this topic down — in photos and videos.
Helping refugees from Ukraine during a time of crisis
Learn how World Vision is caring for Ukrainian refugees as well as people in neighboring countries who are opening their homes, volunteering to serve, and working to create a sense of home in this time of trouble.
Iraq conflict: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Why are 1.2 million people displaced in Iraq? Conflict has created an extreme humanitarian crisis. Learn what World Vision is doing to help the children and families recover from years of war in Iraq.
Voices of Rohingya refugees: Praying through the crisis
Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar share moments of their lives — beyond the tragedies they’ve endured — since fleeing their homes in Myanmar. Join us in praying through their stories as they continue to face challenges and look for hope during this prolonged crisis.
From the World Vision U.S. president: Beauty amid the pain
World Vision U.S. President and CEO Edgar Sandoval Sr. sees God’s presence in the midst of suffering during his recent trip to the Ukraine border and reflects on past trips where he’s met refugees around the world.