News & Stories


From the Field

Zika virus: Facts, symptoms, and how to help

The mosquito-borne Zika virus can cause microcephaly and other serious birth defects. Though the disease has faded from the news since its most recent outbreak from 2015 to 2016, Zika remains a risk in dozens of countries and territories in the Americas. Learn facts about Zika, the latest outbreak, and future threats.


Giving Tuesday: Shine twice as bright for kids in school

Giving Tuesday is coming up Nov. 27! Blogger Melanie Ham reflects on one of her favorite days of the year and how we all can give back as a community and as a nation to charities like World Vision. They are partnering with Thirty-One Gifts again this year, which means a product match of up to $2 million!


Covering the world in prayer: Pray for Central America

Join us to pray for Central America — for World Vision’s work in the countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. In many areas of Central America, gang violence, drug trafficking, and the lasting effects of past wars make life especially difficult for children and their families.


Universal Children’s Day: A reason to listen

As parents, it’s much easier to talk than to listen. But listening is what our children need us to do. It’s a hallmark of World Vision’s work to involve everyone in decision making — men, women, and children. Every year on November 20, Universal Children’s Day reminds us to listen to children around the world, children who see problems from a point of view that we adults have long forgotten.