In 2024, the lives of millions were upended by war, disasters, and hunger. As World Vision responded, we witnessed courage and resilient hope through encounters with hardship. See incredible images captured by World Vision communicators throughout this year.
News & Stories
Afghanistan crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Children and families in Afghanistan are facing a growing humanitarian crisis, the result of decades of conflict, chronic poverty, and natural disasters. Learn how World Vision is responding — and how you can support families caught up in the crisis.
What is a refugee?
The number of refugees globally has reached 43.4 million, and their needs have never been greater, not only for the basic necessities of life, but also for hope and opportunities to be self-sufficient. Explore the challenges faced by refugees and find out more about the global refugee crisis.
Forced to flee: Top countries refugees are coming from
Discover the top countries where refugees come from, the reasons why they’re forced to flee, and how you can help them rebuild their lives with hope and dignity.
Matthew 25: Prayer for disaster survivors
God is with people suffering from disasters — families facing famine, conflict, or the aftermath of earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. Join us in prayer for all who find themselves as “strangers,” as Jesus calls them in Matthew 25:35.
Cholera: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Cholera, caused by the Vibrio cholerae bacteria, is on the rise globally due to conflict, poverty, disasters, and lack of access to clean water and safely managed sanitation. Learn more about cholera and how to help people at risk.
Child marriage: Facts, FAQs, and how to help end it
Child marriage is a violation of human rights. Marrying as a child compromises a girl’s development and severely limits her opportunities in life. Get the facts about child marriage and learn how you help end it.
Top disasters of 2022
In 2022, World Vision responded to 58 disasters in 57 countries, helping more than 31.1 million people with relief aid they needed to survive. Learn more about some of the top disasters of 2022.
Afghan mom sells kidney for food, refuses to sell 4-year-old girl
In Afghanistan, food-insecure families face desperate choices, like one 30-year-old mother of five who sold her kidney to help buy food for her hungry children. She shares her ordeal with World Vision.
Fallout: When hunger has no borders
An intimate window into the lives of children and their families who have been overcome by food insecurity and now pay the price of the war in Ukraine. Showcasing impactful still images captured by World Vision photographers and partners, this 3D virtual exhibition offers a glimpse of key issues that the world’s most vulnerable face.