News & Stories


From the Field

7 of the worst disasters in 2018

As these seven of the worst disasters in 2018 show us, children and families around the world experienced tremendous pain and suffering this past year. But there remains a glimmer of light in each of them. Hope has not been snuffed out.


Loving our enemy: A Thanksgiving challenge

It’s only because we’re loved and forgiven that we can love and forgive others. Pastors in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley demonstrate this in their care for refugees. This Thanksgiving, Rich Stearns challenges us to look at generosity differently.


Facing responsibility: The face of a refugee child

In 2013, World Vision President Rich Stearns met 10-year-old Haya in Jordan. The song she sang to him that day became a pivotal moment in his life: “Do you ever think of the children of Syria?” Hear from Rich about the impact of that moment, and three and a half years later, join us in reconnecting with Haya.